Friday, August 1, 2008


I LOVE getting catalogs in the mail - it's like a cheap magazine! LOL
I got the new catalog. Oh, my how much money I could spend.
here are some of my favorites:
*In't this the greatest costume - it's a fortune teller - I might be able to make this!?
I think I might be able to make a bag like this - will just have to find the time!

it's a german school cone/Schultuete. I want to get one for Mina, but will look if I can find something less expensive!
ich find's so toll wenn ich Kataloge in der Post bekomm - ist wie eine billige Zeitschrift.
had den neuen Katalog fuer bekommen. So viele tolle sachen.
Mag die Schultuete, die Tasche und das Wahrsagerin Kostuem besonders. Ich schau mal ob ich ne billigere Schultuete finde und die Tasche und das Kostuem kann ich vielleicht selber machen.

1 comment:

Venia said...

How funny! Great minds DO think alike, you're right. I had the same thoughts about all those thinks. The Halloween costumes are sooo beautiful! I showed them quickly to Ed before he could focus on any of the prices, LOL!