Sunday, November 15, 2009

waiting for

the nail salon to open.
WOW, I never thought I say this! I'm a nail biter and with my new job wanted to look more professional. It's been three weeks, since I got the acrylics done, and I'm so happy I did it. Going back for a fill today. (skipped last week)
So, I've been working three weeks now. Love it still! LOL
DH is loving his new job too, at least I think so.
Kids are doing ok, the little one had some potty issues. But hopefully going into the new year this will stop.
I'm so grateful having found a job I love in the state of the economy. And this without sending only two applications. I really believe it's all about the right fit, and only you applying.
Went shopping yesterday for new shoes for work. They are very specific about the clothing/grooming standards. Oh, well nothing bad with looking good, right!
oh forgot, the kids love the Photo booth feature on the new mac. They took some really funny pictures.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

the promised pictures

ok, so here are the pictures of the quilt top that I had finally finished! I used fat quarter from the ginger blossom line from Sandi Henderson.

And then the other picture is my jewelry stand. Love them. I didn't realize how many necklaces I had until I hang them all up. Like it so much more than just having them sitting in a box, all hidden away.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

a new computer

well, our computer got another virus and we couldn't get it to start up again. So we decided it's time for a new one. We had issues for a couple of years with the old one, but were holding off on getting a new one. I guess this was the final straw. DH went out and got a Mac. Still trying to find my around it, after having only used PC's in the past. So far I'm just LOVING it!

I'm getting really nervous about starting work on Monday - I can't believe I'm going back to work on MONDAY!

another thing that I had really wanted was something for my jewelry - storage wise. I had seen these jewelry trees before and liked the idea. I was thinking about getting one last year, but again was holding off. Well, I went out to the Brighton store and got one, and while I was at it, I got something for my earrings too(camera's battery just ran out, will have top post pic. later) , and also a new bracelet. Which I absolutely LOVE, been wearing it since I got it!

I also made a quilt and finished it and I'm even happy with the outcome! I also finished a quilt top that I had started last year (will have to make a picture still)
the outcome! I also finished that quilt top I had made last year! YAY!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

ok, ....

so maybe I think it's too early for Obama to get the Nobel Peace Price, but hey, why is everyone so negative about it. We should be happy for the guy. I feel like he is trying really hard - Bush had 8 years to fuck this country up, can we give Obama the same amount of time to get it right, PLEASE!!!!!! And them maybe some, some of the issues were already starting in the Clinton administration.
Ok, just really had to get this out, and just didn't want to put on my FB - too many issues with revealing your political points - I don't think anyone is really reading this anyway.
As a european I feel like Obama had done a hell of a job already getting the rest (well most) of it to respect the US and it's citizens again. And that is worth something to me. I know a lot of Americans give a SHIT about what the rest of the world thinks about them and that's what most of the world thinks of americans.
Ahhh, feel so much better now!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ready for fall

just been reading some of the blogs that I follow and most of them have these great fall pictures.
Ahhh, I really miss the changing of the seasons here - fall colors and spring colors are just the best. (minus the allergies of course!) At least I can see everyones wonderful pictures on the internet.

In one month I'll be back to work - I'm getting really nervous. I know what to do in my old job, but it's a new company, new people, new programs & policies. I'm sure it'll be just fine, but still very excited and nervous.
On the nervous part, trying very hard NOT to bite my nails. Gotta have nails. Will I ever stop being a nail biter?????
working on a quilt. Hope I can finish it! Still have my first quilt top, not quilted! Oh well, it'll get done some day!LOL

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I can't believe it!

I got a job! I'm so excited about going back to work - and about the hotel where I will be working! I have to go in on Thursday night to sign the offer letter. This is a management job with a new hotel that's opening in the city and the hotel company has 5-star hotels all over the world.
I know I will miss my little ones, but I'm just so excited right now!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I'm so excited - I got a call from one of the applications I put in over the weekend and I'm going for an interview tomorrow! So very excited and nervous - it's been a while since the last interview. Oh man, and a good company & job! Would really love to get that one. Will be lots of hard work, no doubt about it, but so well worth it.
Booked a Hair appointment for the morning and hoping that I can get my nails fixed too!
On the sad note, the second application I put in - for a lesser job than the first one no less - I already got rejected per e-mail! Hate these really big companies!
So would love to work in a nice sweet little boutique hotel or even B&B!
Oh well.

Yahooo! Bin zum Vorstellungsgespraech eingeladen!!! Yipeeeee! Bin aufgeregt und nervoes.
Hab mich da erst am wochenende beworben, heute einen anruf bekommen und stell mich morgen vor! Super Hotelkette, der Arbeitsplatz waere wirklich super, vor allem nachdem ich schon fast 4 Jahre nicht mehr arbeite!
So, hab mich noch fuer nen anderen Arbeitsplatz beworben und auch gleich ne Absage per e-mail bekommen! Hasse diese riesen grossen Arbeitgeber.
So, morgen geh ich auch erst mal zum Frisoer und hoffentlich kann ich mir auch die Naegel machen lassen. Muss unbedingt aufhoeren zu beissen!

Mina's first day of School (1st Grade!)

Monday, September 7, 2009


lately I've been trying to scrapbook while not spending a fortune on it. I try to keep my layouts really simple. I've made these two recently.

I might have to stretch my supplies more since DH just got laid off from work.
I sometimes wish I didn't quit my job almost 4 years ago. But then again, I'm very happy that I did. I'm so very happy that I was able to spend my time with my two little ones instead of having to worry and go to work. And especially just leaving them at Daycare.
I already put in application for a job yesterday and will put in another today. We'll see what happens, I haven't had any luck the last couple of times I tried to go back to work.
I'm just really hoping that DH will find a job that pays as much (or close to - or hey, maybe even more) than his last job.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


First Day of First Grade
I had the best intention on keeping writing this blog again, but before you know it and another couple of weeks went by. Oh well.

I've made an apron from the "A is for Apron" Book (it's the provence smock) and sorry, I didn't get around yet to take a picture! I'll try and have my little girl take one for me. She loves to take pictures! Oh, one of the down things with my new camera is that it wont recognize the picture directly from the camera and I have to download them to the computer first.

M. is in first grade now! We went to the meet and greet with the teacher the Friday before School started, and I wasn't to enthusiastic about the teacher, and now after two weeks of school and still not too crazy about her. The bad thing is that M. says she doesn't want to go to school, while she truly enjoyed it last year. I guess it just takes adjusting after going half day to full day and a new teacher and being home all summer!

ooops, hab mal wieder vergessen zu schreiben. Hab's mir wirklich vorgenommen, aber dann ist's schon wieder vergessen. Na ja,

So, hab auch endlich mal 'ne Schuerze fuer mich gemacht, muss aber noch 'n Foto machen. Ich frag M. die fotografiert so gerne.

M. ist jetzt in der ersten Klasse und wir haben die Lehrerin am Freitag bevor Schulanfang getroffen. Ich war irgendwie nicht so total von ihr begeistert. Und M. hat auch ein paar eingewohnungs probleme. Letztes Jahr ist sie so gerne in die Schule und dieses Jahr nicht so gerne. Neue Lehrering, laengerer Schultag und dann war sie denn ganzen Sommer zuhause.]

Ich hoffe das wird bald besser.

Friday, August 21, 2009

OMG - first grade

Ich kanns kaum glauben, aber am Montag kommt meine kleine Tochter in die erste Klasse. Hier in den Staaten hat sie ja eigentlich schon das erste Jahr hinter sich mit Kindergarten (Vorschule)
So, jetzt mach ich mich dann endlich mal dran mal zu schauen was ich ihr so zum essen einpacken kann. Mir ist es lieber ich geb ihr was mit, anstatt dass sie dass Schulessen isst!

Hab auch endlich mal wieder etwas genaeht - naemlich neue Bettwaesche fuer M's neues IKEA Puppenbett. Hab ihr den Stoff aussuchen lassen und sieht sehr schon aus. (muss noch ein foto machen)

Noch ein Foto von zuhause - vermiss es schon wieder!

WOW, I can't believe it, but on Monday my little girl is heading into first grade. I'm trying to look up recipe ideas for Lunches. I want to pack her lunch instead of having to get school lunches. I'm just thinking about me, I was always shy, and hating standing in line, by the time I got my turn, lunch/break was over!

Oh, I finally got sewing again, and made new bedding for M's new IKEA dollbed. It looks so cute, I let her choose the fabric and she made an excellent choice! (sorry, still have to take the pic!)
Just a picture of my "home" - miss it already again!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

hard work

DH and I spent (almost) all day yesterday and re-writing his resume.
Man, I can't believe what hard work that is. In these times you need to get it just right to get enough attention on your resume so YOU can get that job and not someone who has a better looking resume.

We also got the new Wii Resort Game and it's so much fun. Our girl wants to take Archery lessons now. LOL

Sunday, August 9, 2009

ok, I'm back

I'm back - we are back into the hang of things here after our 5 week trip to Germany.
Greg stayed home again as usual.
Now I'm trying to cram the pictures into a 8x8 scrapbook album.
Can you believe that I took some 350+ pictures!!!! I only got 150 printed and might not be using all of them in the album either.
Jakob is back into waking up at 5.30 am and the last couple of mornings he was asking for chocolate milk and a cheese stick for breakfast at that time. He still isn't fully potty trained, but we have been staying in most of the days and he is doing really good. I think it's my fault cause I'm afraid of having to clean up an accident while out somewhere, so I've been putting pull ups on him. And once he's got a Diaper on, that's where he's peeing & pooping! UGH!
Mina is her usual self and driving totally bananas!!!!
Oh, and Greg's golf club is about to run out of money and most likely closing down, leaving him without a job.
But life is good! Let's hope he finds a new job soon and all will be well!

Friday, August 7, 2009

endlich mal wieder da - I'm back

ich glaub jetzt ist's an der zeit dass ich mal wieder schreibe.
It's time I write again, too much going on/on my mind.
Natuerlich entscheide ich mich dazu waehrend die Kinder im hintergrund streiten, muss also spaeter irgendwann zurueck kommen.
Of course as I decide to do that, the kids are having a fight - I will come back to it later - I hope!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello There & Happy New Year.

I'm so sorry I haven't been bloggin in such a long time.

We had the in-laws here for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time, and then after that my two girl cousins came to visit - they stayed through Christmas. I really enjoy having visitors here even tough it is kind of exhausting too. My mom sent cookies with my cousins - hmmm, what a wonderful treat to get "real" Weihnachtsplaetzchen (xmas cookies) all the way from Germany.
Yummy! They were gone in no time - LOL
I took the cousins for a drive to the Skywalk on/over the Grand Canyon West Rim. Man, was it cold that day, but what a view! Camilla and I went onto the skywalk, it wasn't all that bad, but none the less, I was glad getting off it too!

Anyway, so I'm looking/reading through all these new years superstations and am depating if I should be doing anything at all today?! I wanted to take a nice bubble bath and wash my hair, take the christmas tree and decorations down, and so on. Maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow!

I'll just grab a book and let the day be!

Tut mir wirklich leid, dass ich so longe nicht geblogged habe. Meine Schwiegereltern waren hier auf besuch fuer Thanksgiving und dann kamen meine beiden Kusinen aus Deutschland auf Besuch. War schoen mal jemand hier zu haben, auch wenns einen ganz schoen mitnimmt. Hmmm, die Maedels haben uns Weihnachtsplaetzchen von meiner Mama mitgebracht. Was fuer ein Genuss! Einfach Lecker, leider waren die viel zu schnell aufgegessen.
Ich bin mit Corinna und Camilla zum Grand Canyon Skywalk gefahren, Camilla und ich sind sogar drauf gelaufen! War gar nicht so schlimm, aber ich war trotzdem froh wieder auf "richtigem" Boden zu stehen. Und mann war das kalt an dem Tag!

So, heute hab ich mir mal durch Neu Jahrs Aberglauben durchgelesen, ich werde heute wohl doch nicht baden und Haare waschen und die Weihnachtsdekorationen lass ich wohl doch auch noch bis morgen haengen. Ich setz mich jetzt in die Ecke und less ein Buch!