Wednesday, November 12, 2008

a trip to the ER

my little boy started having a fever Monday afternoon, and we had a very bad night Monday. Well Tuesday night at 11.30pm he wakes up and freaks me out, about his mouth hurting and his fever. Anyway, it's very hard to get a look at his throat, and I just wanted to make sure he's ok, so I took him to the ER. I was amazed at the Dr. who saw him! Dr. Nelson was AMAZING! He cheered my little boogie up and got a good look into this mouth/throat with a little trick. Well, it took him about 5-6 looks until he saw what was wrong, but he did get him to open his mouth wide enough. Anyway, boogie is ok, he's got a strep throat and got antibiotics. All should be well in a couple of days. I will miss out on my water excercise, but oh well.
I've been making some scrapbook pages again, and I also made a couple of doll outfits for Rosie.
check out my galleries at twopeas and flickr.
I sold some things on ebay and can't wait to spend the money earned on more supplies!
I already decided what to get the kids for christmas and will make the purchses in the next couple of weeks. Already bought a tea set & some play cupcakes for my girl. Can't wait to see the beautiful Waldorf Doll that she'll be getting from her Oma. And the reaction Jakob will have over his "park tower"

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