Saturday, November 22, 2008

another trip to the ER

well, two days after I took J. to the ER we had to go back again. He stuck a tic-tac up his nose. While M. was at Dance and we were waiting for her to finish he found them in my purse and asked if he could have one, the next thing I know he had it up his nose! And I couldn't get it out. When I called the Pediatrician the nurse said they usually just send people to the ER with this problem - GREAT! UGH!!!! Well, when the Doc look at him there, it had already gone. He said it either went all the way up and then he swallowed it back down, or it just dissolved!
I made a finished my girls xmas Dress (used the oliver + s playdate dress pattern) now I still have to get the boy some dressy clothes. And then we can head out for the holiday pics and some pics with Santa.

letzte woche war ich zwei mal mit meinem kleinen Mann in der Notaufnahme. Er hatte eine Halsentzuendung, und als er in der zweiten nacht mit extremem schmerzen aufgewacht ist, hab ich ihn da hingebracht und dann mussten wir zwei tage spaeter wieder hin, weil er sich ein Tick-Tack in die Nase geschoben hat! Ugh!

Hier ist noch ein Foto von meinem Maedel in ihrem Weihnachtskleid, dass ich genaeht hab (ist ein schnittmuster von Oliver + s)

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