Monday, March 21, 2011

week two

starting my second week as a stay at home mom (part two)
had a wonderful stress-free day (apart from giving the cat her medications, but that's a whole story on it's own) cleaned my kitchen, did some writing and math practice with the boy, played Angry Birds (man is that game addicting - and I'm not into video games at all) and cooked dinner. (I know, so exciting *add eye-twitch*)

on a funny note, we finally let Boogie watch Transformers and now he's obsessed with it.
just like he was obsessed with Cars. During my parents visit we went up to the Hoover Dam and he was very much bored, UNTIL I told him that this is where the Cube and Megtron are being hidden in the movie. He thought the Hoover Dam is the coolest thing ever.

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