just found this fabric on Flickr, and can't wait to get some.
It looks sooooooooooooo good!!! can't wait to get some and make something with it!
Oh, I just bought some other Fabric, am planning to make a nice Quilt for Mina! Will post some pics and details when the fabric is here.
Finished an outfit for a friends daughter and an apron for someone special. Started cutting fabric for a little dress for my etsy shop - can't wait to see what it looks like finished. I absolutely LOVE creating/sewing things - it's such a great feeling to see the finished product. I feel like a little kid getting a new toy. I just want to look and admire my work!
Hab die Fotos fuer den Stoff auf Flickr gefunden - sind die stoffe nicht schoen! Kann's kaum erwarten mir ein paar zu kaufen und was davon zu naehen.
Oh, und ich hab gerade erst noch stoff bestellt - will Mina 'nen Quilt machen. Mehr dazu speater.
So, dann hab ich gerade eine Schuerze und ein Outfit fertig gemacht. Ich naeh so gerne, es ist so schoen was zu machen und dann das schoene Endprodukt zu bewundern!
Farmers Market Fabric by Sandi Henderson
Originally uploaded by SandiHenderson
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