Friday, August 21, 2009

OMG - first grade

Ich kanns kaum glauben, aber am Montag kommt meine kleine Tochter in die erste Klasse. Hier in den Staaten hat sie ja eigentlich schon das erste Jahr hinter sich mit Kindergarten (Vorschule)
So, jetzt mach ich mich dann endlich mal dran mal zu schauen was ich ihr so zum essen einpacken kann. Mir ist es lieber ich geb ihr was mit, anstatt dass sie dass Schulessen isst!

Hab auch endlich mal wieder etwas genaeht - naemlich neue Bettwaesche fuer M's neues IKEA Puppenbett. Hab ihr den Stoff aussuchen lassen und sieht sehr schon aus. (muss noch ein foto machen)

Noch ein Foto von zuhause - vermiss es schon wieder!

WOW, I can't believe it, but on Monday my little girl is heading into first grade. I'm trying to look up recipe ideas for Lunches. I want to pack her lunch instead of having to get school lunches. I'm just thinking about me, I was always shy, and hating standing in line, by the time I got my turn, lunch/break was over!

Oh, I finally got sewing again, and made new bedding for M's new IKEA dollbed. It looks so cute, I let her choose the fabric and she made an excellent choice! (sorry, still have to take the pic!)
Just a picture of my "home" - miss it already again!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

hard work

DH and I spent (almost) all day yesterday and re-writing his resume.
Man, I can't believe what hard work that is. In these times you need to get it just right to get enough attention on your resume so YOU can get that job and not someone who has a better looking resume.

We also got the new Wii Resort Game and it's so much fun. Our girl wants to take Archery lessons now. LOL

Sunday, August 9, 2009

ok, I'm back

I'm back - we are back into the hang of things here after our 5 week trip to Germany.
Greg stayed home again as usual.
Now I'm trying to cram the pictures into a 8x8 scrapbook album.
Can you believe that I took some 350+ pictures!!!! I only got 150 printed and might not be using all of them in the album either.
Jakob is back into waking up at 5.30 am and the last couple of mornings he was asking for chocolate milk and a cheese stick for breakfast at that time. He still isn't fully potty trained, but we have been staying in most of the days and he is doing really good. I think it's my fault cause I'm afraid of having to clean up an accident while out somewhere, so I've been putting pull ups on him. And once he's got a Diaper on, that's where he's peeing & pooping! UGH!
Mina is her usual self and driving totally bananas!!!!
Oh, and Greg's golf club is about to run out of money and most likely closing down, leaving him without a job.
But life is good! Let's hope he finds a new job soon and all will be well!

Friday, August 7, 2009

endlich mal wieder da - I'm back

ich glaub jetzt ist's an der zeit dass ich mal wieder schreibe.
It's time I write again, too much going on/on my mind.
Natuerlich entscheide ich mich dazu waehrend die Kinder im hintergrund streiten, muss also spaeter irgendwann zurueck kommen.
Of course as I decide to do that, the kids are having a fight - I will come back to it later - I hope!