So, und dann hab ich mir noch zwei neue Schnittmuster bestellt. Und zwar hier http://oliverands.com/patterns/ mir gefallen die alle so gut, hab's aber erst mal bei zwei belassen. Das Kleidchen, und dann die Bluse mit den kurzen Hosen.
going to try something new and also add everything in ENGLISH! yay!
I made the shirt and dress as a Birthday present for little Maddie, a friends daughter. The mommy liked it so much, she shared pics with the moms of our group. They all said I should really start thinking about selling. Well, I started making another skirt w/shirt yesterday, but in a fabric w/ goldfishies on it. (But then I hurt my hand this morning, not sure how soon I'll get to finish it) But I'm thinking about making a couple and then setting up a shop at www.etsy.com LOVE that website.
Oh, and I just ordered some new patterns from here www.oliverands.com I got the first dress and the shirt with shorts. For now! Can't wait to get them and start sewing - I'll have to get some cute fabric too!